A Message From an Ex-Procrastinator

Jill VandenHeuvel
3 min readOct 30, 2020


Hi, I’m Jill, and I’m a recovering procrastinator.

If there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that one of the best ways to make sure I don’t fail at something is to never finish it.

I mean, it is absolutely impossible to fail at something if it’s never completed, right?? As long as I’m still working on it, there’s no risk. If someone criticizes what I’m working on, I can easily throw in the “well, it’s still a work in progress…” line and be totally safe.

If it’s never done, I’ll never be a failure.

But I’ll also never be successful.

And that, my friend, is a risk I’m NOT willing to take. I’ve learned that I’d much rather risk failing at something in pursuit (and completion) of my goals than to never actually put myself out there.

Here are some thoughts that have helped me in my procrastination recovery process:

  • DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. In fact, I’m learning that ‘perfect’ doesn’t really exist anyway. For every person who might not like what I’ve produced or doesn’t agree with what I’m doing, there will be at least one person who does.
  • AND WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK ANYWAY? What I am working toward is my thing, and there has obviously been some kind of calling on my heart to produce the results I’m working for. Therefore, it only matters that I create what I am inspired to create.
  • PROCRASTINATION TAKES UP TOO MUCH SPACE. As long as I keep thinking about needing to get this thing done, I’m not making brain space available for other areas of life that need my attention.
  • AND IT’S EXHAUSTING. The more I think about how I “ really should” get it done, the more stressed out I feel. I start to feel guilt and nervous energy, and then I just get mentally exhausted. It’s so tiring!

Now, instead of spending time thinking about getting it done, I just GET IT DONE. This has been a huge transformation for me and has truly changed my life! My new thoughts allow me to keep moving forward to the next goal and get more done instead of delaying progress.

If you label yourself as a procrastinator, I promise you: I know how that feels. I’ve been there many times.

But, I have done the work to remove the label, so I can also tell you that it’s not a permanent one.

This isn’t “just the way you are” and you don’t have to settle in with this thought about yourself. If you don’t want to be a procrastinator, you don’t have to be. You can change it anytime.

We can do this together during weekly 1:1 calls where I will help you shift your thought process and get your life moving forward more productively.

To learn more, schedule a free consult using this link: https://jillvhcoaching.as.me/freeconsult

Originally published at https://www.jillvh.com on October 30, 2020.



Jill VandenHeuvel

I help people who are weighed down by emotional distractions get their mental energy back so they can focus on what really matters.